Function evaluation =================== *This section describes behavior that is not part of the JSON API specification.* If the ``allow_functions`` keyword argument to :meth:`.APIManager.create_api` is set to ``True`` when creating an API for a model, then the endpoint ``/api/eval/person`` will be made available for :http:method:`get` requests. This endpoint responds to requests for evaluation of SQL functions on *all* instances the model. If the client specifies the ``functions`` query parameter, it must be a `percent-encoded`_ list of :dfn:`function objects`, as described below. A :dfn:`function object` is a JSON object. A function object must be of the form :: {"name": , "field": } where ```` is the name of a SQL function as provided by SQLAlchemy's |func|_ object. For example, to get the average age of all people in the database, .. sourcecode:: http GET /api/eval/person?functions=[{"name":"avg","field":"age"}] HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json The response will be a JSON object with a single element, ``data``, containing a list of the results of all the function evaluations requested by the client, in the same order as in the ``functions`` query parameter. For example, to get the sum and the average ages of all people in the database, the request .. sourcecode:: http GET /api/eval/person?functions=[{"name":"avg","field":"age"},{"name":"sum","field":"age"}] HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json yields the response .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json [15.0, 60.0] .. admonition:: Example To get the total number of resources in the collection (that is, the number of instances of the model), you can use the function object .. sourcecode:: json {"name": "count", "field": "id"} Then the request .. sourcecode:: http GET /api/eval/person?functions=[{"name":"count","field":"id"}] HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json yields the response .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "data": [42] } The function evaluation endpoint also respects filtering query parameters. Specifically, filters are applied to the model *before* the function evaluation is performed, so you can apply a function to a subset of resources. See :doc:`filtering` for more information. .. versionchanged:: 1.0.0b2 Adds ability to use filters in function evaluation. .. |func| replace:: ``func`` .. _func: .. _percent-encoded: